It's been amazing to have Taj Long from on board with us at ARB over the past many years.
We've been extremely blessed to have him as our marketing and social media partner, he has grown our presence to a level we've never experienced , it’s evident in the number of new direct assignments we receive as a result of his site.
If you're looking for an affordable way to increase your visibility and show off your business, I highly recommend giving Taj a chance. With all the positive results we've seen from working with him, I'm sure you won't regret it.
Vaughn Clemmons
President, Automobile Recovery Bureau
“It’s one of the best bang for my buck websites I advertise on.” – Mike Steinman, Ace Auto Recovery "Best money you will ever spend. One stop Recovery Company shopping" – Mike Steinman, Ace Auto Recovery (2nd Endorsement)
“Thanks Taj. I just got my first call asking for service from a Federal Credit Union. Sorry I was so skeptical. Thanks.” Mike Cooper, Cooper’s Towing
“Taj, I originally just said yes to get you to quit calling me, but I’m getting about a call a day now!” – Marcus Potter, NAR Services
“In the first 18 business days our ad was up on Taj’s site, we received 15 clicks to our website from the ad, and 2 forwarding companies contacted us, one which I’ve signed, and on my own terms!”- Nate Baxter, Advanced Recovery Solutions LLC
“I was a little skeptical at first in regards to doing more advertising. I have advertised on other sites and may have gotten a call or two from someone trying to sell something, but not with AutoRecoveryandTransport…I began receiving calls almost immediately and the ranking on Google has been great. I get anywhere from 3-5 calls a week off Auto Recovery and Transport, a lot of good work has come my way through the listing. Thank you Taj!” – Jeremy Vang, Recovery Solutions
"Taj and his team at got my company set up with an ad a couple years ago and we have gained several new clients from his work at making us Number 1 in our area on every search engine. Seeing the results made renewing for another year and adding a homepage banner a no brainer. His site works!" - Danny @ Recovery Columbus, Inc.
“Hi Taj, Thank you for the service you have provided to us. We were just saying today that we get more referrals from your website than we do from our own website. we are happy to renew with you for another year”. - Anita Vanous, Final Notice, Iowa
“Taj, your devotion to the industry and personal touch is amazing. I actually get work from your site more than I can say about other advertising platforms I use. What you have created for AFA members is top notch. Thank you! - Chuck, Action Auto Recovery.
"Taj my ad has already produced results and one new direct client I hope to hear from again in the future. Money well spent!" - Debby Durham, Midwest Adjusters
“I'll admit, I was hesitant, but glad I signed up. Best money I've spent on advertisement” – Mike Cooper, Cooper’s Towing
Listing was up for only 2 weeks!: "It's been working, I'm becoming a believer!" - Matt Kaiser, Paragon Recovery
2 weeks later: ” If you haven’t advertised with Taj, you’re leaving money on the table. I’ve had calls from around the country & it’s been mainly credit unions. I always ask new customers how they found me to give credit to the right source. The source is, Taj Long & #autorecoveryandtransport - Matt Kaiser, Paragon Recovery.
If you are interested in Advertising please call the following number:
If you prefer we can be contacted by email at:
Nationwide Auto Recovery and Auto Transport Directory